Piano Lesson Schedule for Summer of 2023

ENSEMBLE FESTIVAL - To provide students the opportunity to make music as part of an ensemble. An ensemble consists of at least two students, playing instruments or singing. This Festival is held in the Fall at locations throughout the state.
THEORY EXAMS - To develop skills in music theory notation; ear training; analysis of structure and form; and integration of these elements in repertoire and keyboard facility.
COMPREHENSIVE PIANO EXAMS, LEVELS 1-10 - To develop proficiency and musicianship through eleven levels of curriculum encompassing keyboard skills, technical studies, sightplaying and repertoire.
STATE PIANO CONTEST - To encourage high performance standards, MMTA sponsors an annual State Piano Contest. Pianists with the highest scores in the Contest Finals are selected for ensemble performance in the State Honors Concert at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This concert is a gala event involving 700 young performers playing on 20 grand pianos in ensemble groups.
YOUNG ARTIST CONTEST - Highly motivated students participate in this event for Organ, Piano, Strings, Voice and Woodwind instruments in February. Winners perform in the Young Artist Recital; first place winners in Piano and Organ perform in the State Honors Concert in June.
MUSIC BRIDGES - offers teachers the freedom and flexibility to design a program to fit each individual student, at any age, and at any level of ability. In addition to repertoire performance, a student's program may include an original composition, dance, drama, or visual art.
CHALLENGE AWARD - The MMTA Challenge Award provides an incentive for participation in the MMTA programs. The intention is to reward students at every level of ability.
LOGOWEAR DESIGN CONTEST - Students are invited to submit a logo design which includes the letters "MMTA" and the upcoming calendar year. The winning design appears on t-shirts and totes sold at the MMTA Piano Contest and all other MMTA events.